The Bang and the Barge

We built this raft/barge/dock on Saturday with barrels Roy picked up from work. We built it in only a few hours, many hands make quick work. And as you can see from the picture it holds plenty of weight. That night we went to a Sat. 4th of July celebration at Antietam Battlefield for fireworks and music. The only pics that need explanation are the cannon photo, that bang of fire and smoke on the ground is a cannon/s going off during the 1812 Overture not a firework exploding too soon. And yes the little green light at the top is a UFO.....or it could be a firefly, you decide. The other photo that needs explanation is of DJ getting onto the chair. If you look in the background you see Kirt wincing in apparent pain. He is doing this because as the photo was taken DJ hit his head on the metal table, the bang and Kirt's reaction to the bang came before DJ recognized that he hit his head and reacted. Anyway, I think it's interesting. DJ did not cry BTW. The other pics are building the raft, fireworks, a cute pic of Cass making a face, and of course a couple pics of the ever adorable Charlotte.
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